Product Name: W-K-S INC - Victor Keney - Keeneye store Boudoir Doll Composition Breastplate doll
This 32" WKS Boudoir Doll comes with her original clothing (see photos) -Green Silk, with a few holes and Stains from age and storage Clothing has been hand washed and air dried. Dress is 20" waist to hem. Green Silk Bodice and skirt, Purple/pink V shape waist to hip. Pantaloons are actually the original coloring, large patch needed on leg, or new ones made. Neckline and arms had lace which was damaged and removed, Purple cuffs are included. Hat is faded green silk Doll WAS NOT WASHED. Though the area that is open on right leg was trimmed of stuffing. 19" legs. 13" body. Head approximately 9" long, 4" wideHead is intact in the front, though there are nails in it Nail on front breast area, sides of hair and back were part of production). Head neck area on sides shows superficial cracks (2). Face has handpainted features including purple eyeshadow. and red bow lips. Colors are still prevalent. Hair appears to be mohair and is only semi attached. Initials of maker store on back WKS.